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Muchas gracias por compartir tu primer juego, es gratificante encontrar juegos así de la mano de creadores noveles, has hecho muy buen trabajo, te he dado 5 estrellas, saludos desde España.

Thank you so much for playing the game! I appreciate the compliment

The final confrontation was so effective - great job! 

I really liked this. The atmosphere was very special, I truly felt like I was somewhere else, stranded on the planet and it felt immersive. The animations and overall graphics were neat, the sound design - perfection.

Best of luck with the future games! 
P.S. On the menu, I saw the name "Giorgi" in the credits, that's Georgian name right? Just curious.


Thanks man! Yes that's a Georgian name

Are you Georgian? Like are you the solo developer or is Giorgi part of the team?

Yea im a solo dev, but my friend helped with the trailer video and marketing. Both of us are Georgian

Awesome! My friend is from Georgia, so good luck to both of you ✨

(1 edit)

Nice this was really good game anyway well done keep it up!
